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Wheel Nut 防松螺帽

The Nord-Lock wheel nut
The Nord-Lock wheel nut safely secures wheels on on-road and off-road heavy vehicles by maintaining high clamping force even under extreme operating conditions.
When assembled correctly, the Nord-Lock wheel nut cannot loosen by itself. It represents a simple and cost effective way to make wheels safe and secure more productive and efficient operations. The Nord-Lock wheel nut is designed for flat-faced steel rims.

The simple way to make wheels safe
The Nord-Lock wheel nut is based on the same principle as the Nord-Lock bolt securing system. Each nut incorporates a pair of captivated washers with cam faces on
one side, with a cam angle ‘α’ greater than the thread pitch ‘β’. On the opposite side there are radial teeth. When the wheel nut is tightened, the teeth of the Nord-Lock washers grip and lock the mating surfaces, allowing movement only across the cam faces. Any rotation of the wheel nut is blocked by the wedge effect of the cams.

Based on proven technology
The Nord-Lock wheel nut is based on our unique wedge-locking technology, which uses tension instead of friction to secure bolted joints. The system has been used for over 25 years to ensure the structural security of bolted applications exposed to strong vibrations and high dynamic loads.

Technical specifications
Key width W
Diameter Ø
Height H
Tightening torque
Clamp load
32 mm
46 mm
27 mm
600-650 Nm
(450-500 ftlb)
~200 kN
(~45000 lb)
For complete information about the Nord-Lock wheel nut, please visit our campaign site
Read more about assembly instructions,proven tests and in reality effects of wheel nut loosening.
To download CAD-drawings of the Nord-Lock wheel nut,