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上海别众 一个工业产品专业的集成供应商 所有备件保证原厂原件原装进口 精准 迅速 安全 保密

Why lubricate?润滑原理


Why lubricate?
Lubricating bolted joints contributes to the durability and safety of an application. It is especially beneficial for applications with large and / or stainless steel bolts. NORD-LOCK bolt securing system provide a safe locking in both dry and lubricated conditions.
Features and benefits with lubrication

Minimizes friction
Facilitates assembly
Uniform friction
Minimized deviation in achieved clamp load
Minimizes torsion
Use the bolt's full capacity
(minimizing twisting of the bolt)
Avoid thread deformation and galling
Improved reusability
Good sealant characteristics
Extra protection in corrosive environments
Preserves low friction condition in harsh and corrosive environments
Facilitates dismantling and increases lifetime performance



NORD-LOCK’s graphite lubricant GTP600
has proven an impressive capability in
meeting the characteristics of a good