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上海别众 一个工业产品专业的集成供应商 所有备件保证原厂原件原装进口 精准 迅速 安全 保密

MT4000A/B 霍尼韦尔风门执行器


MT4000A/B series

The MT4000, MT4001, MT4002 and MT4003 are servo
motors to control and govern air lock of gaseous and liqued
The servo motors are suitable for burners with small to
medium capacity.
The MT4000 series are for general use on combustion air
dampers and VF5000 butterfly valves. The A version is used
with separate power lines to drive the motor to high fire or low
fire position. The B version is used in combination with a relay
to allow the motor to drive to high fire when the relay is
energized and drive to low fire when the relay is
de--energized. There are 2 micro switches for auxiliary use.
Height: 92 mm
Width: 80 mm
Depth: 135.5 mm
See also Fig. 1.
Supply voltage
Line voltage: 220 ... 240 Vac, 50/60 Hz
110 Vac, 50/60 Hz
Maximum voltage
Current of micro switches: 250 Vac, 10A (ac) and 2A(dc)
Ambient temperature range
--15 ... 60 °C
Relative humidity: 0 -- 90% at 40 °C (non--condensing)
Rated torque value
Maximum torque at 6s rotation time over 90 degrees: 1.5 Nm
Maximum torque at 12s rotation time over 90 degrees: 1.5 Nm
Maximum torque at 24s rotation time over 90 degrees: 3.0 Nm
Maximum diagonal force
300N, when mounted with 4 screws
Stroke timing over 90 degrees
6, 12, 24 and 30 s at 50 Hz
At 60 Hz, the timing is reduced with approximately 20%
Maximum adjustable stroke
0 to 160 degrees
Mounting and orientation
There are no restrictions in the mounting angle of the motor.
The motor can be assembled by 4 screws. For mounting hole
dimensions, see installation drawing.
Minimum camshaft step
2 degrees (including mechanical tolerances).
Two PG9 wiring conduits are provided in the housing.
NOTE: The PG9 wiring conduits do not provide
strain--relief according to EN60730--1 and
The servo motor is mounted in a black housing with
transparent plastic cover, which can be removed by loosening
2 screws.
Pre--purge timer (MT40003C only)
25 seconds nominal, tolerance --5 s, +5 s.
Design life
Model Number of Cycles
All models