11. PHS

For hydraulic oils, lubricating oil
Main fields of application:
Further options are available, like execution for high viscosity fluids or noise suppression due to air bubbles entrapped in the pumped fluid.
Pumps for lubrication system and auxiliary cooling, with relief valve.
Delivery flow
up to 170 lt/min (up to 45 USGPM)
Admissible delivery pressure
up to 16 bar (232 psi) from 1000 to 3600 rpm
Admissible suction pressure
-0,7 to 10 bar (-10 to 145 psi)
kinematics viscosity
10 to 400 cSt STD (1,2-5000cSt special)
Admissible temperature
from 0 to 120 °C (from 32 to 248 °F)
Driving speed
1000 to 3600 rpm for other version max. 3600 rpm
Average noise level
60 ÷ 75 dB(A) at 3600 rpm according to pump dimension
Recommended filtration
60 micron max, suction side (not abrasive contaminant) ISO4406 19/16 - NAS10
Direction of rotation
Clockwise, as seen from the driving side
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